Spring has not quite sprung here on the “wet coast”, and with the colder weather still seeming to linger around, we figured we would take the opportunity to give you some tips and tricks on lowering your heating energy costs.
- It’s never too late or too early to schedule yearly maintenance on your heating (and cooling) systems. This ensures your units are running at an optimal level and, therefore, lowering any potential costly fixes in the future. We take the hassle out of scheduling that yearly maintenance by offering service agreements and other added perks. We contact you to set everything up with one of our qualified technicians yearly. One less thing for you to think about.
Our top-notch service of AC installation in Pitt Meadows will give you an incredible feeling of having the best comfort and HVAC quality.
- When we are fortunate enough to have a little sunshine be sure to open up those curtains and blinds to let those UV rays in; letting that little bit of heat in can make it, so your furnace does not need to be running to heat your house – let nature do it for you!
- Alternatively, when we have what may feel like never-ending rain, we can also choose to layer up in our favorite comfortable, warm clothes. Allowing the furnace to run at a degree or two lower makes a difference on that monthly energy bill.
- A smart thermostat is beneficial as you can set up a schedule for your life by setting it to when you will be home and when you are away. Therefore, lowering energy costs as you are not paying to heat your home when no one is there to enjoy it. *Bonus Tip* – Keep an eye out for any rebates Fortis BC may offer on specific intelligent thermostats.
- Ensure all your doors and windows have a tight seal to them. Many people do not realize how much heat loss can happen in those areas.
- Caring for the vents and air filters in your furnace is also vital to the health of the furnace. Keeping them clean and free of any blockage allows your furnace to run without any added stress on the system. It also helps keep the air you breathe in your home clean, so you and your family are not breathing in any unnecessary debris or particles.
- If you are doing all of the above tips and tricks and feel your unit is still not running as well as possible, it may be time to look into having a new unit installed in your home. We are here to help whenever that time comes!
If you are looking for furnace replacement in Pitt Meadows, BC, you can contact Hammer’s Heating And Cooling. We offer our services with proper skills and experience.